Heterocyclic aromatic amines (HAAs) are one of the most cancerogenic and mutagenic compounds present in food products. Thus, the researches on discovering new factors influencing formation of HAAs in food as well as the ways of reduction these compounds in food products are one of the main directions in food science. These investigations should led to the production of tasty food with significantly decrease content of HAAs. Unfortunately, there is no scientific research which are investigating the concentration of HAA together with the sensory properties of the products (e.g. grilled beef meat). The performance of the typical grilling process (180 °C and 280 °C) of beef meat (rib eye, sirloin and roast beef) stored in a raw state during 5 and 15 days in cooling condition and, than sensory evaluation and determination of correlation between overall sensory quality and content of HAA was the objective of presented study. This experiment confirmed that through proper selection parameters of culinary processing parameters such as thermal meat processing, the type of the culinary element of the beef meat and time of its storage in cooling conditions it is possible to ensure high overall sensory quality along with low content of HAA forming during grilling.
Szterk, A., Jesionkowska, K., Influence of the cold storage time of raw beef meat and grilling parameters on sensory quality and content of heterocyclic aromatic amines. LWT - Food Science & Technology. Volume: 61 Issue 2 Pages: 299-308 Published: MAY 2015.