Abstract: The objective of the present study was to evaluate the fatty acid composition of cows milk, kept in a certified organic farm, independent of breed and season of nutrition. In the selected dairy farm, cows of two different breeds, i.e. Brown Swiss (BS) and Holstein-Friesian black and white (HF) between 45th-100th day of lactation, were managed under the same environment conditions. There were highly significant effects of the season on the SFA content in milk, where in SFA content were higher in the winter season compared with the summer season. The studies showed a significant influence of the season on the level of: BA, TVA, LA, CLA9, CLA10, EPA, DPA, DHA. Milk from BS cows was characterized by higher concentration of SFA, BA, AA, EPA and DPA during summer season of feeding. However, milk from HF cows was characterized higher concentration of MUFA, PUFA, OA, LA, TVA and CLA and lover of SFA. In the winter season milk from BS cows was characterized by a higher concentration of SFA, MUFA, BA, TVA and CLA compared with milk of HF breed. Finally, milk from HF breed in organic system during summer and winter season was characterized much higher nutritional value.
Reference: Kuczynska, B., Puppel, K., Metera, E., Klis, P., Grodzka, A., and Sakowski, T. (2011). Fatty acid composition of milk from Brown Swiss and Holstein-Friesian black and white cows kept in a certified organic farm. Annuals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Animal Science 49. 61-67.