Effect of TV Commercials on Consumer Perception of Organic Product

Abstract: This study was carried out with the purpose of determining the preferences of Turkish consumers for organic product. It was an applied research, and the questionnaire used in the application was previously proved to be reliable and used in different study. A total of (N=650) people participated in our research. Most of the participants are educated and have knowledge about organic agriculture. A two-part questionnaire composed of 54 items with 5 likert scale was directed to the participants. Most of the questionnaires were conveyed to the participants via a web system. Participants were randomly selected, and they weren't asked any questions which include the credentials. The research took 7 months approximately. A total of 972 people were reached in this period, but only 650 of the returned questionnaires were found appropriate for the application. Data set acquired as a result of the conducted questionnaire were analyzed in PASW Statistic 18 (SPSS-Statistical Package for Social Sciences) package program. Reliability analysis, frequency tables, descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, one-way variance analysis, Tukey and Chi-square tests were utilized within the scope of analysis. Following the reliability analysis of the study, Cronbach's alpha coefficient was found 0,913. This value shows that the study is highly reliable. As a result of the research and application done, it as seen that TV commercials create a positive effect on consumer perception, the commercials affect the shopping dimension of consumers. Brand, package and health dimension of organic agricultural products also constitute a significant factor for consumer perception. Most of the consumers have stated that they have more general knowledge about TV commercials and organic agricultural products and that's why they increase their consumption of organic products. It was concluded following this research that TV commercials create a positive effect on consumption perception regarding the consumption of organic agricultural products of Turkish TV viewers, and it also generates the supply of consumer.

Reference: Gumus, S. (2013). An applied example of the effect of TV commercials, a reason for Turkish consumer's preferance for organic product, on consumer perception. IIB International Refereed Academic Social Sciences Journal 11: 1-21. Available online at http://www.iibdergisi.com/dergi/3e4e6%C4%B0BB%20SAYI%2011.pdf