Abstract: The grain storage protein composition and wheat quality parameters in a set of varieties from different quality groups from organic farming were tested during a two-year (2004 and 2005) experiment in Czech Republic. A set of varieties from conventional farming was also tested for comparison of results. The results show a noticeable influence of organic and conventional ways of growing on wheat grain storage protein composition and technological quality characteristics, predictive partly of the storage protein quantity, and partly of the protein complex quality (sedimentation index by Zeleny, rheology characteristics determination on farinograph and the yield of bread). Varieties with higher content of HMW glutenins (varieties from conventional growing systems and varieties from the elite (E) and high-quality (A) quality groups), which are the most suitable for baking utilization, reached higher values of sedimentation index, farinographic characteristics predetermining good baking quality and higher values of yield of the bread. Varieties from organic farming and from the C quality group (wheat unsuitable for baking utilization) were mainly characterized by the higher content of residual albumins and globulins, due to the higher content of essential amino acids and higher nutritional quality of albumins and globulins we suppose, that this wheat is more suitable for feeding and also for human nutrition.
Reference: Krejcirova, L.; Capouchova, I.; Bicanova, E.; Famera, O. (2008). Storage protein composition of winter wheat from organic farming. Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica 39(1): 6-11.